Some Amazing Health Benefits of Having Sex Regularly

Having sex on a regular basis has its own set of health benefits to it. Studies by various highly reputed health institutes across the globe have found many health benefits of sex. Many reports and papers have been published later. But unfortunately not many people are aware of these facts.

Relieves stress
There is no denying the fact that the percentage of people who are feeling stressed are on the rise in the last decade or so. The reasons for this are many; we shall not go into all those. A recent poll conducted with 2000 people has revealed that the people who had sex more than twice a week said to be not bothered with stress when compared to others.

Lowers Blood Pressure
Having sex with your loved one is found to reduce the blood pressure in an individual. Experts say that it is that feeling of safe and loved by the one who matters might be one of the reasons for this.

Boosts Immune System
Studies conducted by health experts have shown that having sex regularly boosts immune system of an individual there by keeping one safe various diseases. If you are the one who frequently falls ill, now you know what to do.

Brings Glow to Skin
During intense sex session, body releases hormones which are known to be good for skin. These hormones help in one look younger than his/her age.

Burns Calories
Intense sex with your partner for about 1-2 hours is nothing less than spending 5-6 hours in gym. During sex, almost all the muscles in the body said to be used there by burning maximum number of calories in short span. Burning calories will help to keep oneself in shape.

Boosts Confidence
According to Psychology studies, people who participate in sexual activities regularly are bound to show more confidence levels when compared others who have less or no sex at all.

Helps in Sound Sleep
We already know that every muscle is stretched and relaxed during sex. So this results in helping one to sleep well after a intense make-out.

Decreases the Chances of Heart Attack
Studies conducted by various universities have shown that regular sex plays a huge role in decreasing the chances of one getting a heart attack. A study conducted has many years has proved this.

Acts as Pain Reliever
After a reaching orgasm, people tend to have shown to be suffering less with pains which bothered them much before the start of that particular sex session. Little headaches, stomach aches and other body pains have been reported to reduce considerably after sex.

Now that you know about all these health benefits of sex, spread the word and let people know more about it.