Having sex with your loved ones is one amazing feeling. Everybody enjoys those intimate time with their partner. But many a times, we forget certain things and do few things which can ruin your partners mood. Take a look at the following top three things not to do while having sex and avoid them completely.
Forcing your Partner
Don’t force your partner to do certain things which they don’t like. Asking them repeatedly will not only ruin their mood but can potentially restrain them from having sex with you next time. Have sex in a manner which is comfortable to both of you, not just only you. Always remember that sex is best enjoyed as a couple.
Using Mobile
Keep your phone as far as possible while having sex. Don’t answer phone calls, check whats app messages, update facebook status, tweeting etc. Put your complete attention on your sexual partner. The moment your partner observes your concentration deviating from them, it upsets them hugely.
Keeping Quite
Having sex without speaking a word will be just like a boring exercise which you don’t enjoy doing. A little bit of chatter in between works wonders in the episode. That little whisper of voice of your partner in your ears has the capacity to transform the environment into an electrifying one.
Sex isn’t a duty but an art, the beauty of which magnifies when partners forget about everything else but present.